____________________________The Graph__________________________
Why The Graph is necessary for humanity!
thegraph.com (GRT)
The Graph is a handy data wrapper for smart contracts. At the moment, there are no decentralized analogues, which is a great advantage of the project.
2020 was a big test for humanity, coronavirus, crisis in financial markets, US presidential elections, crisis in the hydrocarbon industry. More and more we begin to realize that the world is changing and it is moving forward, including towards creation. WEB 3.0. The great DeFi hype on the Ethereum network that we have seen this year has given rise to a multitude of new projects, a rapid development of a new branch of evolution in digital assets: lending, profitable farming, insurance, predictions, financial derivatives, synthetic assets and much more.
For further development and creation of more complex structures, an infrastructure is needed that repeats the centralized counterparts, only in a decentralized form on the blockchain. So, for example, the Count allows you to watch a deep history. You can quickly see the very first transactions on a uniswap, for example, or when crypto kittens were launched in December 2017 or some kind of cryptocurrency pyramid was scammed. All this makes the use of blockchain more convenient and technologically advanced.
There are many strong infrastructure products on the market today: Chainlink, Api 3, Uni, Ethereum, Basic Attention Token, and of course The Graph. Time passes, the infrastructure grows, more and more high-quality projects appear, the coordinated work of which will provide a worldwide distributed computing machine, which in turn will become the foundation for the development of a new technological cycle.
Indexers + Curators + Delegators = WEB 3.0
I believe !